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The Steam Locomotive in America

by Larry Bohn

Different types

Over 250 never published photos plus dozens of period prints

Locomotive Photos indexed by wheel arrangement

Locomotive photos indexed by Railroad

Locomotive photos indexed by Time periods

How do they Work? ` ` ` ` Slow animations

Valve gear comparisons & explainations ` ` ` Attachments why & how

Over 70 Builders Advertisments of 25 Locomotive Builders and short histories

Builders plate comparisons

Over 50 Photos and drawings

Bibliography of over 100 books about all phases of steam locomotives including specific data on 37 railroads.

Sorry! Macintosh compatable only so far. Hopefully we will eventually have it formatted for IBM compatibility.

Pre Publication Price = $22.00 plus $3.00 shipping and Handling.

* Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back, (less s. & h.)

For further information, please E-Mail Larry Bohn at

In the meantime.


If you have a question about anything to do with steam locomotives that you think might possibly be covered, Drop me a note. I don't know everything about steam but I'd like to. I'll try to dig up an answer to anything you come up with. If you let me know what your favorite wheel arrangement is, I'll send along a jpg photo scan of one with whatever answer I can come up with. No charge for any of this. I just enjoy this stuff.
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